Hi All

Fab result at Stafford last weekend with Ian winning best Bonde, Al 2nd best GT6 and PJC winning 3rd best Spitfire didn't cconsider myself particularly competitive before - but now have won a trophy- not so sure!!
ll winners in my book really, and it was great to meet Dan from Devon who admirably won best "Used and Cruised" with his fab Herald Estate Surf mobile (at least I THINK it was a Herald under all that!)
 A great incentive to show everyone can enter the concurs- everything does not have to be shiny - just loved!

Anyway, hope to see you all at Brodsworth tomorrow. If you want to meet up beforehand-  10.30 am in the first layby after the moorway junction as before.

Please also get in touch if you want to go to the Club BBQ on the 3rd Sept.

Paula x